The Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science at the University of California, Berkeley maintains an extensive collection of reprints, dissertations, project reports, course and seminar notes, and other materials not readily available elsewhere. These items, now numbering about 5,000, as well as a small collection of key texts, monographs, and journals, are available in the Alfred Tarski Room (727 Evans Hall) for use by faculty and graduate students. Here is a list of the items in the collection.

Adams, E.W.; Fagot, Robert. F, A Model of Riskless Choice (1956)
Addison, John West JR., On Some Points of the Theory of Recursive Functions (1956)
Addison, J.W., The Theory of Hierarchies (1960)
Addison, J.W., Some Problems in Hierarchy Theory (1962)
Addison, J.W., A Bibliography of the Theories of Models (1964)
Addison, J.W., The Undefinability of the Definable (1965)
Addison, J.W., The Undefinability of the Definable (1965)
Addison, J.W., Separation Principles in Difference Hierarchies (1967)
Addison, J.W., Separation Theorems for Difference Hierarchies (1968)
Addison, J.W., Current Problems in Descriptive Set Theory (1970)
Addison, J.W., Hierarchies and the Axiom of Constructibility (1970)
Addison, J.W., Scientific Bibliography of J.W. Addison (1970)
Addison, J.W., Determinacy Yields Models with Measurable Cardinals
Addison, J.W. ; Henkin, Leon; Tarski, Alfred, The Theory of Models (1963)
Addison, J.W. ; Henkin, Leon; Tarski, Alfred, The Theory of Models (1963)
Addison, J.W. jr., On the Novikov- Kondô Theorem (1959)
Addison, J.W. Jr., Bibliography (1964)
Adleman, Leonard; Manders, Kenneth, Computational Complexity of Decision Procedures for Polynomials
Adleman, Leonard; Manders, Kenneth; Miller, Gary, On Taking Roots in Finite Fields
Adleman, L.; Manders, K., Intractability Proofs and the Computational Complexity of Binary Quadratics (1978)
Adler, György, A Two- Dimensional Mathematical Model and a Related Overshooting- Free Numerical Method for Underground Combustion
Adler, György, A Two- Dimensional Mathematical Model and a Related Overshooting- Free Numerical Method for Underground Combustion
Afriat, S.N., On Utility: I. The Validity of the Expected Utility Hypothesis, II. On Bernoullian Utility for Goods and Money (1961)
Afriat, S.N., The Algebra of Revealed Preference (1962)
Afriat, S.N., The Equivalence in Two Dimensions of the Strong and Weak Axioms of Revealed Preference (1962)
Afriat, S.N., Art Has Many Facets The Artistic Fascination With the Cube (1963)
Afriat, S.N., The Method of Limits in the Theory of Index Numbers (1963)
Agassi, J., How are Facts Discovered? (1959)
Aharoni, R.; Komjáth, P., A Generalisation of the Transversal Property
Aharoni, Ron, Matchings in Infinite Graphs (1984)
Asser, Günter, Normierte Postsche Algorithmen (1959)
Asser, Günter, Turing-Maschinen und Markowsche Algorithmen (1959)
Asser, Günter, Rekursive Wortfunktionen (1960)
Asser, Günter, Zwei Rekursionstheoreme für normale Algorithmen (1960)
Asser, Günter ; Rautenber, Wolfgang, Ein Verfahren zur Axiomatisierung der Kontradiktionen gewisser zweiwertiger Aussagenkalküle (1960)
Asser, Günter ; Schröter, Karl, Axiomatisierung der $k$-zahlig allgemeingültigen Ausdrücke des Stufenkalküls (1958)
Asser, Günter ; Schröter, Karl, Inhalt der Bände 1-10: 1955 bis 1964 (1964)
Asser, Günter ; Schröter, Karl, Inhalt der Bände 11-20: 1965 bis 1974 (1975)
Avigad, Jeremy D., Proof-Theoretic Investigations of Subsystems of Second-Order Arithmetic (1995)
Avraham, Uri, Minimal Model of" $\aleph_1^L$ is countable" and Definable Reals
Adams, Ernest W., Probabilistic Considerations Relating to the Soundness of Deductive Reasoning (1970)
Adams, Ernest W., Prologomenon to an Analysis of Fundamental Concepts of Geometry and Topology (1970)
Adams, Ernest W., Subjunctive and Indicative Conditionals (1970)
Adams, Ernest W., An Essay on the Foundations of Classical Geometry (1971)
Adams, Ernest W., On the Connection Between Probable Modus Tollens Inferences Involving Subjunctive Conditionals and Inverse Probable Inferences (1971)
Adams, Ernest W., Probability Considerations in the Surprise Examination Paradox (1971)
Adams, Ernest W., Truth, Proof, and Conditionals (1980)
Adams, Ernest W., Contributions to a Theory of Laws Admitting Exceptions: The Monadic Case (1981)
Adams, Ernest W., Continuity and Idealizability of Approximate Generalizations (1983)
Adams, Ernest W., Probabilistic Enthymemes (1983)
Aanderaa, Stål Olav, A New Undecidable Problem With Application in Logic (1966)
Aanderaa, Stål Olav, A Proof of Higman's Embedding Theorem Using Briton Extensions of Groups (1973)
Aanderaa, Stål Olav, Inductive Definitions and Their Closure of Ordinals (1973)
Aanderaa, Stål Olav, On the Decision Problem for Formulas in which All Disjunctions Are Binary (1973)
Aanderaa, Stål Olav ; Börger, Egon, The Equivalence of Horn and Network Complexity for Boolean Functions (1981)
Aanderaa, Stål Olav ; Börger, Egon, An Elementary Proof for the Trachtenbrot Theorem
Aanderaa, Stål Olav ; Börger, Egon, The Horn complexity of Boolean functions and Cook's problem
Aanderaa, Stål Olav ; Börger, Egon ; Gurevich, Yuri, Prefix Classes of Krom Formulae with Identity (1979)
Aanderaa, Stål Olav; Börger, Egon; Lewis, Harry R., Conservative Reduction Classes of Krom Formulas (1980)
Aanderaa, Stål Olav; Lewis, H.R., Prefix Classes of Krom Formulas (1973)
Ash, C. J., Uniform Labelled Semilattices (1977)
Ash, C. J., A Uniform Chain Whose Inverse Semigroup Has No Chart (1978)
Ash, C. J., The Lattice of Ideals of a Semigroup (1978)
Ash, C. J., Cetegoricity in Hyperarithmetical Degrees (1984)
Ash, C. J. , Model-Theoretic Forms of the Axiom of Choice (1983)
Ash, C. J. , Categoricity in Hyperarithmetical Degrees (1984)
Ash, C. J. , Recursive Labelling Systems and Stability of Recursive Structures in Hyperarithmetical Degrees (1985)
Ash, C. J. ; Downey, R. G. , Decidable Subspaces and Recursively Enumerable Subspaces (1982)
Ash, C. J. ; Goncharov, S. S. , Strong $\Delta_2^0$ Categoricity (1984)
Ash, C. J. ; Hall, T. E., Inverse Semigroups on Graphs (1975)
Anderson, John M.; Johnstone, Henry W. Jr., Natural Deduction- The Logical Basis of Axiom Systems (1959)
Anderson, John M.; Johnstone, Henry W. Jr., Natural Deduction- The Logical Basis of Axiom Systems (1959)
Anderson, John M.; Johnstone, Henry W. Jr., Natural Deduction- The Logical Basis of Axiom Systems (1959)
Anderson, John M.; Johnstone, Henry W. Jr., Natural Deduction- The Logical Basis of Axiom Systems (1959)
Anderson, T.; Wiegandt, R., On Essentially Closed Classes of Rings (1979)
Andler, Daniel Marc, Models of Uncountable Theories Categorical in Power (1973)
Andréka, H., Relativized Diagonol-Free Cylindric Algebras Form a Variety (1987)
Andréka, H.; Madarász, J.X.; Németi, I.; Sági, G.; Sain, I., Analyzing the Logical Structure of Relativity Theory via Model Theoretic Logic (1998)
Andréka, H.; Németi, I. , On Cylindric Algebras and Their Regularity (1978)
Andréka, H.; Németi, I. , On Systems of Varieties Defineable by Schemes of Equations (1978)
Abad, Manuel, Estructuras Ciclica y Monadica de un Algebra de Lukasiewicz n-Valente (1988)
Abraham, Uri; Shore, Richard A., Initial Segments of the Degrees of Size $N_1$
Abraham, U.; Shelah, S., Isomorphism Types of Aronszajn Trees (1979)
Abraham, U.; Shelah, S., Isomorphism Types of Aronszajn Trees
Abraham, U.; Shore, Richard A., The Degrees of Constructibility Below a Cohen Real
Abramson, Fred G., A Simplicity Theorem for Amoebas Over Random Reals
Abramson, Fred G., Locally Countable Models of $\Sigma_1$ -Separation
Ackermann, W. ; et al., Logica (1959)
Ackerman, Wilhelm, Grundgedanken Einer Typenfreien Logik (1961)
Aczel, Peter, Saturated Intuitionistic Theories (1968)
Anderson, Alan Ross; Belnap, Nuel D. Jr., A Simple Treatment of Truth Functions
Anderson, Alan Ross; Belnap, Nuel D. Jr., Modalities in Ackermann's "Rigorous Implication"
Anderson, Alan Ross; Belnap, Nuel D. Jr.; Wallace, John R., Independent Axiom Schemata for the Pure Theory of Entailment
Anderson, Alan Ross; Moore, Omar Khayyam, The Formal Analysis of Normative Concepts (1957)
Anderson, Alan Ross; Moore, Omar Khayyam, Autotelic Folk-Models (1959)
Anderson, Alan Ross; Moore, Omar Khayyam, The Responsive Environment's Project (1968)
Anderson, J, Natural Deduction- Contents (1959)
Anderson, John M.; Johnstone, Henry W. Jr., Natural Deduction- The Logical Basis of Axiom Systems (1959)
Anderson, John M.; Johnstone, Henry W. Jr., Natural Deduction- The Logical Basis of Axiom Systems (1959)
Anderson, John M.; Johnstone, Henry W. Jr., Natural Deduction- The Logical Basis of Axiom Systems (1959)
Andréka, H.; Németi, I. , Weak Products in Universal Algebra and Model Theory (1978)
Andréka, H.; Németi, I. , On Regular Cylindric Set Algebras (1979)
Andréka, H.; Németi, I. , On the More General Notion of Factorisation (1979)
Andréka, H.; Németi, I. , On the Number of Generators of Cylindric Algebras (1979)
Andréka, H.; Németi, I. , The Class of Neat-Reducts of Cylindric Algebras is not a Variety but is Closed w.r.t. HP (1979)
Andréka, H.; Németi, I. , Which Finite Cylindric Algebras are Generated by a Single Element? (1979)
Andréka, H.; Németi, I. , On the Number of Generators of Cylindric Algebras
Andrews, P., A Reduction of the Axioms for the Theory of Propositional Types (1963)
Andrews, Peter B., Resolution with Merging (1968)
Andrews, Peter B., Provability in Elementary Type Theory (1974)
Applebaum, C. H. , Some Structure Theorems for Inverse $\omega$-semigroups (1978)
Apter, Arthur; DiPrisco, Carlos; Henle, James; Zwicker, William, Filter Spaces: Towards a Unified Theory of Large Cardinal and Embedding Axioms (1987)
Apt, K. R. ; et al., Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science: Formal Models and Semantics (1990)
Arbab, Bijan, A Formal Language for Representation and Reasoning About Indirect Context (1987)
Arbab, Bijan, A Formal Logic for Representation and Reasoning About Indirect Context (1987)
Archibald, Raymond Clare, Outline of the History of Mathematics (1949)
Aristotle ; et al., Essays in Logic: From Aristotle to Russell (1963)
Arnautov, V. I., Kriterij Psevdondrmiruemost Topologiceskia Koled (1965)
Arnold, B. H., Logic and Boolean Algebra (1962)
Aronszajn, N., Characterization of Types of Order Satisfying $\alpha_0 + \alpha_1 = \alpha_1 + \alpha_0$ (1952)
Ash, C.J. ; Knight, J. F. , Relative Recursive Expansions (1991)
Ash, C.J. ; Knight, J. F. ; Oates, S. E. , Recursive Reduced Abelian p-groups of Small Length (1991)
Ash, C.J. ; Knight, J. F. ; Slaman, T. A. , Relatively Recursive Expansions II (1992)
Ash, C. J. ; Moses, M. F. , Effectiveness in Mathematics (1983)
Ash, C. J. ; Nerode, A., Functorial Properties of Algebraic Closure and Skolemization (1975)
Asser, Günter, Die endlichwertigen Łukasiewiczschen Aussagenkalküle (1953)
Asser, Günter, Das Repräsentantenproblem im Prädikatenkalkül der Ersten Stufe mit Identität (1955)
Asser, Günter, Eine Semantische Charakterisierung der Deduktiv Abgeschlossenen Mengen des Prädikatenkalküls der ersten Stufe (1955)
Asser, Günter, Über die Ausdrucksfähigkeit des Prädikatenkalküls der ersten Stufe mit Funktionalen (1956)
Asser, Günter, Theorie der logischen Auswahlfunktionen (1957)
American Mathematical Society, Abbreviations of the Names of Scientific Periodicals Reviewed in Mathematical Reviews (1965)
Amer, Mohamed A., Boolean Algebras of Sentences of $\omega$-Order Logic (1969)
Amer, Mohamed A., Parentheses in Combinatory Logic (1973)
Amer, Mohamed A., Parentheses in Combinatory Logic (1973)
Amer, Mohamed A., On a Theorem of Garret Birkhoff (1975)
Amer, Mohamed A., Contradiction: Dialectical and Logical (1976)
Amer, Mohamed A., Typed Boolean Structures (1976)
Amer, Mohamed A., Typed Boolean Structures (1976)
Amer, Mohamed A., Typed Boolean Structures II (1977)
Amer, Mohamed A., The Relationship of Mathematics to Reality as a Basis of the Philosophy of Mathematics (1979)
Andrews, Peter B., Refutations by Matings (1976)
Andrews, Peter B.; Cohen, Eve Longini, Theorem Proving in Type Theory (1977)
Andrews, Peter B. ; et al., Handbook of Automated Reasoning, Volume 2 (2001)
Anellis, Irving H. ; et al., Contemporary Mathematics: Axiomatic Set Theory (1983)
Angell, Richard B., Antilogistic Systems (1959)
Angell, Richard B., Note on a Less Restricted Type of Rule of Inference (1959)
Angell, Richard B., Uninterpreted Calculi and <<Sound>> Logical Systems (1964)
Angell, Richard B., The Sentential Calculus Using Rule of Inference $R_e$
Applebaum, C. H. , A Result for $\pi$-Groups (1973)
Applebaum, C. H. , $\omega$-Semigroups (1974)
Aczel, Peter, The Lattice of Recursive Density Types (1968)
Aczel, Peter, Implicit and Inductive Definability (1969)
Aczel, Peter, Partial Recursive Functions of Partial Objects of Finite Types and Extended Jump Operations (1969)
Aczel, Peter, The Ordinals of Classes of Non-Monotone Inductive Definitions (1970)
Aczel, Peter, The Ordinals of the Superjump and Related Functionals (1970)
Aczel, Peter, The Constructive Universe of Sets (1976)
Aczel, Peter, A Generalisation of Ramsey's Theorem (1977)
Aczel, Peter, Extending the Topological Interpretation to Constructive Set Theory (1977)
Aczel, Peter, The Ordinal Height of a Density (1977)
Aczel, Peter, A General Church-Rosser Theorem (1978)
Amer, Mohamed A., The Relationship of Mathematics to Reality as a Basis of the Philosophy of Mathematics (1980)
Anderson, Alan Ross, Improved Decision Procedures for Lewis's Calculus S4 and Von Wright's Calculus $M$ (1954)
Anderson, Alan Ross, Entailment Shorn of Modality (1962)
Anderson, Alan Ross, A New Square of Opposition: Eubouliatic Logic (1968)
Anderson, Alan Ross, An Intentional Interpretation of Truth-Values (1971)
Anderson, Alan Ross, A Completeness Theorem for the System E of Entailment
Anderson, Alan Ross, What do Symbols Symbolize?: Platonism
Anderson, Alan Ross; Belnap, Nuel D. Jr., First Degree Entailments (1961)
Anderson, Alan Ross; Belnap, Nuel D. Jr., A Proof of The Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem
Anderson, Alan Ross; Belnap, Nuel D. Jr., A Simple Proof of Gödel's Completeness Theorem
Aczel, Peter, Some Characterisations of |$\Sigma_1^1$-mon|
Aczel, Peter, Some small large cardinals
Aczel, Peter, Stage Comparison Theorems and Game Playing with Inductive Definitions
Aczel, Peter, The Classical R-operator and Games
Aczel, Peter, The Strength of Martinlöf's Intuitionistic Type Theory with One Universe
Aczel, Peter, The Type Theoretic Interpretation of Constructive Set Theory
Aczel, Peter, Three Systems of Notations for Ordinals
Aczel, Peter ; Hinman, Peter G., Recursion in the Superjump
Aczel, Peter; Hinman, Peter G., Recursion in the Superjump (1974)
Aczel, Peter; Richter, Wayne, Inductive Definitions and Analogues of Large Cardinals
Aczel, P. H., Lecture Notes on Constructive Order Types (1966)
Adams, Ernest; Fagot, Richard, A Model of Riskless Choice (1959)
Adams,Ernest; Messick, Samuel, An Axiomatization of Thurstone's Successive Intervals and Paired Comparisons Scaling Models (1957)
Adams, Ernest W., The Foundations of Rigid Body Mechanics and The Derivation of its Laws from Those of Particle Mechanics (1958)
Adams, Ernest W., Relative Frequencies and Likelihoods (1960)
Adams, Ernest W., On the Nature and Purpose of Measurement (1966)
Adams, Ernest W., Probability and the Logic of Conditionals (1966)
Adams, Ernest W., Points of Surfaces (1967)
Adams, Ernest W., The Validity of Inferences Involving Approximate Generalizations (1967)
Adams, Ernest W., Logical Properties of Imperfect Generalizations (1969)
Aho, A. V. ; et al., Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science: Algorithms and Complexity (1990)
Ajtai, M., $\Sigma_1^1$ - Formulae on Finite Structures (1982)
Ajtai, M., $\Sigma_1^1$ - Formulae on Finite Structures (1982)
Ajtai, M.; Csirmaz, L.; Nagy, Zs., On a Generalization of the Game Go-Moku (1980)
Ajtai, M.; Csirmaz, L.; Nagy, Zs., On a Generalization of the Game Go-Moku I. (1980)
Ajtai, Miklós; Komlós ,János; Szemerédi, Endre, A Dense Infinite Sidon Sequence (1979)
Alchourrón, Carlos E.; Makinson, David, Hierarchies of Regulations and their Logic (1981)
Alesso, H.P.; Buckley, W.M., A Dual-Biform Boolean Logic Presentation of the Wave-Particle Nature of Radiation and Matter (1979)
Allen, T., Finite Bases for the Laws of Finite Groups (1968)
Alpár, L., On the Linear Transformation of Series Summable in the Sense of Cesáro (1980)
Arruda, Ayda I. , Aspects of the Historical Development of Paraconsistent Logic (1980)
Arruda, Ayda I. ; da Costa, Newton C. A. ; Chuaqui, Rolando, Mathematical Logic (1978)
Asenjo, F. G. ; Tamburino, J., Logic of Antinomies
Ashby, W. R. ; et al., Automata Studies (1956)
Ash, Chris; Rosenthal, John, Some Theories Associated with Algebraically Closed Fields (1978)
Ash, C. J., On Countable $n$-Valued Post Algebras (1972)
Ash, C. J., Reduced Powers and Boolean Extensions (1975)
Ash, C. J., Sentences with Finite Models (1975)
Ash, C. J., The $f$-Classes of an Inverse Semigroup (1976)
Ash, C. J., Generalized Cardinal Systems (1977)
Arrow, Kenneth J., A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare (1950)
Arrow, Kenneth J., Functions of a Theory of Behavior Under Uncertainty (1959)
Arrow, Kenneth J., Rational Choice Functions and Orderings (1959)
Arrow, Kenneth J., Publications of Kenneth J. Arrow
Arruda, A. I. ; Da Costa, N. C. A. ; Sette, A. M. , Proceedings of the Third Brazilian Conference on Mathematical Logic (1979)
Arruda, Ayda I., N. A. Vasiliev e a Lógica Paraconsistente (1978)
Arruda, Ayda I., Some Remarks on Griss' Logic of Negationless Intuitionistic Mathematics (1978)
Arruda, Ayda I. , On the Imaginary Logic of N. A. Vasil ' Év (1976)
Arruda, Ayda I. , A Survey of Paraconsistent Logic (1979)
Aczel, Peter, On Russell's Paradox (1978)
Aczel, Peter, Frege Structures and the Notions of Proposition, Truth and Set (1979)
Aczel, Peter, Lecture Notes on Non-Well-Founded Sets (1985)
Aczel, Peter, A Natural Interpretation of Schutte's System $\Sigma(N)$ of Ordinal Notations
Aczel, Peter, An Axiomatic Approach to Recursion on Admissible Ordinals and the Kreisel-Sacks Construction of Meta-Recursion Theory
Aczel, Peter, A New Approach to the Bachmann Method for Describing Countable Ordinals
Aczel, Peter, Infinitary Logic and the Barwise Compactness Theorem
Aczel, Peter, Non-Well-Founded Sets
Aczel, Peter, Quantifiers, Games, and Inductive Definitions
Aczel, Peter, Some Characterisations of |$\Sigma_1^1$|
Adams, Ernest W., Modus Tollens Revisited (1987)
Adams, Ernest W., Idealization in Applied First-Order Logic
Adams, Ernest W., The Empirical Foundations of Elementary Geometry
Adams, Ernest W., The Foundations of Rigid Body Mechanics
Adams, Ernest. W., On the Nature and Purpose of Measurement (1966)
Adams, Ernest W.; Carlstrom, Ian F., Approximate Ordering Relations and Their Representations
Adams, Ernest W.; Fagot, Robert F.; Robinson, Richard E., A Theory of Appropriate Statistics (1965)
Adams, Ernest W.; Fagot, Robert F.; Robinson, Richard E., On the Empirical Status of Axioms in Theories of Fundamental Measurement (1965)
Adams, Ernest W.; Messick, Samuel, An Axiomatic Formulation and Generalization of Successive Intervals Scaling (1958)
Adams, E.W.; Benson, D.C., NIM-Type Games (1952)
Burks, Arthur W., Justification in Science (1953)
Burks, Arthur W., On the Significance of Carnap's System of Inductive Logic for the Philosophy of Induction (1954)
Burks, Arthur W., The Logic of Fixed and Growing Automata (1957)
Burks, Arthur W., The Logic of Computers and Neural Mechanisms (1958)
Burks, Arthur W., Computation, Behavior, and Structure in Fixed and Growing Automata (1959)
Burks, Arthur W., On the Significance of Carnap's System of Inductive Logic for the Philosophy of Induction (1963)
Burks, Arthur W., Programming and the Theory of Automata (1963)
Burks, Arthur W., Toward a Theory of Automata Based on More Realistic Primitive Elements (1963)
Burks, Arthur W., Peirce's Two Theories of Probability (1964)
Burks, Arthur W., On Backwards-Deterministic Erasable, and Garden-of-Eden Automata (1971)
Bunder, M. W., The Naturalness of Combinatory Logic as a Basis for Mathematics
Bunder, M. W., The Naturalness of Illative Combinatory Logic as a Basis for Mathematics
Bunder, M. W., The Proof of Lindenbaum's Lemma cannot be Formalized
Bunder, M. W., Variable Binding Term Operators in $\lambda$-Calculus
Bunder, M.W., Corrections to "A formal metatheory in which Gödel's first but not his second incompleteness theorem can be proved"
Bunder, M. W. ; Seldin, Jonathan P., Some Anomalies in Fitch's System $QD$ (1978)
Bunder, M. W. ; Seldin, Jonathan P., Some Anomalies in Fitch's System QD
Bunder, M. W. V., Set Theory Based on Combinatory Logic (1969)
Bunge, Mario, El Tricentenario de Newton (1943)
Borodin, Allan ; Fischer, Michael J. ; Kirkpatrick, David G. ; Lynch, Nancy A. ; Tompa, Martin, A Time-Space Tradeoff for Sorting and Related Non-Oblivious Computations (1979)
Borsuk, Karol ; Szmielew, Wanda, Foundations of Geometry (1960)
Bouscaren, Elisabeth, Model Theory and Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction to E. Hrushovski's Proof of the Geometric Mordell-Lang Conjecture (1998)
Bowen, Kenneth A., Forcing in a General Setting (1937)
Bowen, Kenneth A., Systems of Transfinite Type Theory Based on Intuitionistic and Modal Logics (1970)
Bowen, Kenneth A., The Relative Consistency of Some Consequences of the Existence of Measurable Cardinal Numbers (1972)
Bowen, Kenneth A., Normal Modal Model Theory (1973)
Bowen, Kenneth A., Prolog (1979)
Bowen, Kenneth A., An Herbrand Theorem for Prenex Formulas of LJ
Bowen, Kenneth A., Primitive Recursive Notations for Infinitary Formulas
Bankston, Paul, Some Elementary Questions About Complete Boolean Algebras
Bankston, Paul, Topological Reduced Products Via Good Ultrafilters
Barankin, Edward W., Toward An Objectivistic Theory Of Probability (1955)
Barendregt, Henk, A Global Representation Of The Recursive Functions In The $\lambda$-Calculus (1973)
Barendregt, Henk, Normed Uniformly Reflexive Structures (1975)
Barendregt, Henk ; Bergstra, Jan ; Klop, Jan Willem ; Volken, Henri, Degrees, Reductions and Representability in the Lambda Calculus (1976)
Barendregt, Henk; Giuseppe Longo, Equality of lambda terms and recursion theoretic reducibility in the model $\T^omega$ (1979)
Barendregt, H. P., On the interpretation of terms without a normal form. (preliminary version) (1971)
Barendregt, H. P., Some Extensional Term Models For Combinatory Logics And $\lambda$ - Calculi (1971)
Barendregt, H. P., Solvability In Lambda Calculi (1975)
Barense, Jack G., A Syntactical Solution To Goodman's New Ridde Of Induction (1967)
Bar-Hillel, Y. , Bolzano's Definition Of Analytic Propositions (1950)
Bar-Hillel, Y. , Three Methodological Remarks On "Fundamentals Of Language" (1957)
Bar-Hillel, Y. , Decision Procedure In Natural Languages (1959)
Bar-Hillel, Y. , Review of R. M. Martin, Truth and Denotation: A study In Semantical Theory (1959)
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, Critical Comments On The Introductory Papers On Logic, Language, and Communication (1938)
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, On Recursive Definitions In Empirical Sciences (1953)
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, Some Linguistic Obstacles To Machine Translation (1958)
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua, Is Information Retrieval Approaching A Crisis? (1963)
Beth, Ewart W., Kants Einteilung der Urteile in analytische und synthetische
Beth, Ewart W., Réflexions sur l'organisation et la méthode de l'enseignement
Béziau, Jean-Yves ; et al., Logic, Language and Knowledge: Essays in Honor of Oswaldo Chateaubriand Filho (1999)
Bibel, W., Tautology Testing With An Improved Matrix Reduction (1977)
Bibel, W., Bibliography
Bibel, Wolfgang, An Approach to A Systematic Theorem Proving Procedure In First-Order Logic (1971)
Bibel, Wolfgang, Synthesis of Strategic Definitions and Their Control (1976)
Bibel, Wolfgang, Syntax-Directed, Semantics-Supported Program-Synthesis (1979)
Biela, Andrzej ; Pogorzelski, Witold A., The Power of the Class of Lindenbaum-Asser Extensions of Consistent Set of Formulas
Bar-Hillel, Y. ; Gaifman, C. ; Shamir, E., On Categorical And Phrase-Structure Grammars (1960)
Bar-Hillel, Y. ; Perles, M. ; Shamir, E., On Formal Properties Of Simple Phrase Structure Grammars (1961)
Barker, Ewan, Intrinsically $\Sigma_alpha^0$ Relations (1986)
Barnes, Robert F., Mathematico-Logical Foundations of Retrieval Theory: General Concepts and Methods (1965)
Barnes, Robert F., The Classification Of Recursive Sets Of Number-Theoretic Functions (1965)
Barnes, Robert F., The Classification Of The Closed-Open Sets Of The Baire Space (1965)
Barnes, Robert F., Classification of Sets of Number-Theoretic Functions (1966)
Barnocchi, Donatella ; Börger, Egon, Principî euristici e intelligenza artificiale (1975)
Barnocchi, Donatella ; Börger, Egon ; Kaulbach, Friedrich, Zur Philosophie der mathematischen Erkenntnis (1981)
Bartley III, W.W., Theories Of Demarcation And The History Of The Philosophy Of Science (1965)
Bernstein, B. A., A Suggested List of Mathematical Books for Junior College Libraries (1925)
Bernstein, B. A., A General Theory of Representation of Finite Operations and Relations (1926)
Bernstein, B. A., On the Existence of Fields in Boolean Algebras (1926)
Bernstein, B. A., On the Serial Relation in Boolean Algebras (1926)
Bernstein, B. A., Sets of Postulates for the Logic of Propositions (1926)
Bernstein, B. A., Modular Representations on Finite Algebras (1928)
Bernstein, B. A., On Nicod's Reduction in The Number of Primitives of Logic (1932)
Bernstein, B. A., Postulates For Boolean Algebra Involving the Operation of Complete Disjunction (1936)
Bernstein, B. A., Postulate-Sets For Boolean Rings (1944)
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Collins, George E., Quantifer Elimination for Real Closed Fields by Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (1975)
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Cohn, Leslie, On Gerenstein Quasi-Orderings
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Collins, George E., Tarski's Decision Method for Elementary Algebra (1957)
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Case, John, Effectively Extending the Set of Acceptable Inputs of Programs (1974)
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Case, John; Smith Carl, Comparison of Identification Criteria for Mechanized Inductive Inference (1979)
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Catherine, Genevieve Dean, Science and Technology in China (1977)
Causey, Robert L., History of Avogadro's Hypothesis as an Illustration of the Duhemian Thesis (1969)
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Paris, J. B., Some Independence Results for Peano Arithmetic
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Pozsgay, Lawrence, Liberal Intuitionism as a Basis for Set Theory
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Preller, Anne, Quantified Algebras (1968)
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Pour-El, Marian Boykan, Independent Axiomatization and its Relation to the Hypersimple Set
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Pour-El, Marian Boykan ; Richards, Ian, A Computable Ordinary Differential Equation Which Possesses no Computable Solution
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Péter, Rózsa, Über die Rekursivität Einiger Übersetzungs-Transformationen (I. Mitteilung) (1962)
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Reznikoff, Iégor, Tout ensemble de formules de la logique classique est équivalent à un ensemble indépendant (1965)
Reznikoff, Iégor, Axiomatisation Independante d'un Ensemble Quelconque de Formules en Logique Classique et Intuitionniste (1966)
Reznikoff, Iégor, Sur les ensembles dénombrables de formules en logique intuitionniste (1966)
Rhodes, John, Complexity and Characters of Finite Semigroups (1966)
Rhodes, John, Lectures on Finite Semigroups and Finite State Machines (Chapters I and II) (1966)
Rhodes, John, Some Results on Finite Semigroups (1966)
Rhodes, John, On the Cantor-Dedekind Property of the Tilson Order on Categories and Graphs (1985)
Rota, Gian-Carlo, Grandeur et Servitude du Concept (1973)
Rota, Gian-Carlo, The Valuation Ring of a Distributive Lattice (1973)
Rota, Gian-Carlo, On the Combinatorics of the Euler Characteristic
Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Crapo, Henry H., Simplicial Geometries (1971)
Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Crapo, Henry H., Simplicial Geometries (1971)
Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Crapo, Henry H., Geometric Lattices
Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Doubilet, Peter ; Stanley, Richard, On the Foundations of Combinatorial Theory: VI. The Idea of Generating Function (1971)
Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Feldman, G. ; Levinger, J. ; Stanley, Richard, Introductory Lectures in Combinatorial Analysis (1962)
Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Kallman, Robert R., On the Inequality $|| f' ||^2 \leq 4 || f || \cdot || f'' ||$ (1970)
Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Kelly, Douglas, Some Problems in Combinatorial Geometry (1973)
Rhodes, John, Some Results on Finite Semigroups
Rhodes, John ; Khron, Kenneth, Complexity of Finite Semigroups (1966)
Rhodes, John ; Khron, Kenneth ; Mateosian, Richard, Methods of the Algebraic Theory of Machines (1966)
Rhodes, John ; Shamir, Eliahu, Complexity of Grammars by Group Theoretic Methods (1966)
Ribeiro, Hugo, «Lattices» des Groupes Abéliens Finis (1949)
Ribeiro, Hugo, Topological Groups and Boolean Algebras with Operators (1954)
Ribeiro, Hugo, The Notion of Universal Completeness (1956)
Ribeiro, Hugo ; Brignole, Diana, On the Universal Equivalence for Ordered Abelian Groups (1965)
Richards, Ian ; Pour-El, Marian Boykan, $L^p$-Computability in Recursive Analysis
Richards, Ian ; Pour-El, Marian Boykan, Computability for Linear Operators an their Eigenvalues
Rosenblatt, David, Aggregation in Matrix Models of Resource Flows II. Boolean Relation Matrix Methods (1967)
Rosenbloom, Paul, The Elements of Mathematical Logic (1950)
Rosen, Eric, Modal Logic Over Finite Structures (1995)
Rosen, Robert, On a Logical Paradox Implicit in the Notion of a Self-Reproducing Automaton (1959)
Rosen, Robert, Recent Progress in Relational Biology (1961)
Rosen, Robert, Church's Thesis and its Relation to the Concept of Realizability in Biology and Physics (1962)
Rosen, Robert, Letter to the Editor: Self-Reproducing Automaton (1962)
Rosser, J. Barkley, Logic for Mathematicians (1953)
Rosser, J. Barkley, The Relative Strength of Zermelo's Set Theory and Quine's New Foundations (1954)
Rosser, J. Barkley, Boole and the Concept of a Function (1955)
Rothstein, Jerome, Physical Demonology (1959)
Rothstein, Jerome, Wiggleworm Physics (1962)
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Rothstein, Jerome, Intelligence and Non-Computability (1965)
Rothstein, Jerome, Numerical Analysis: Pure or Applied Mathematics? (1965)
Rougier, Louis, Les Nouvelles Logiques de la Méchanique Quantique et l'Empirisme Radical (1939)
Routledge, N. A., A Result in Hilbert Space (1952)
Routledge, N. A., Ordinal Recursion (1953)
Routledge, N. A., Logic on Electronic Computers: A Practical Method for Reducing Expressions to Conjunctive Normal Form (1956)
Rowan, William H., Enveloping Ringoids of Universal Algebras (1992)
Reid, Constance, Julia: A Life in Mathematics (1996)
Reidhaar-Olson, Lisa, Elements of Intuitionistic Sentential Logic (1984)
Reinhardt, William, Topics in the Metamathematics of Set Theory (1967)
Reinhardt, William N., Remarks on Reflection Principles, Large Cardinals, and Elementary Embeddings (1974)
Reinhardt, William N., Satisfaction Definitions and Axioms of Infinity in a Theory of Properties with Necessity Operator (1980)
Reinhardt, William N., Set Existence Principles of Shoenfield, Ackermann, and Powell
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Rejtö, Lidia, On Finite Fixed Censoring (1982)
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Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Mullin, Ronald, On the Foundations of Combinatorial Theory: III. Theory of Bionomial Enumeration (1970)
Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Smith, D. A., Fluctuation Theory and Baxter Algebras (1972)
Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Smith, David A., Enumeration Under Group Action (1977)
Rota, Gian-Carlo ; Stein, Joel, Applications of Cayley Algebras
Roth, J. P., Algebraic Topological Methods for the Synthesis of Switching Circuits in n Variables (1956)
Roth, J. P., Combinatorial Topological Methods in the Synthesis of Switching Circuits (1957)
Roth, J. P., Two Logical Minimization Problems (1957)
Roth, J. P., Una Teoria per la Progettazione Logica dei Meccanismi Automatici (1959)
Roth, J. P., Minimizaion over Boolean Trees (1960)
Roth, J. P., Combinatorial Analysis (1962)
Rabin, Michael O., Degree of Difficulty of Computing a Function and a Partial Ordering of Recursive Sets (1960)
Rabin, Michael O., Non-Standard Models and Independence of the Induction Axiom (1961)
Rabin, Michael O., Diophantine Equations and Non-Standard Models of Arithmetic (1962)
Rabin, Michael O., Probabilistic Automata (1963)
Rabin, Michael O., Classes of Models and Sets of Sentences with the Intersection Property
Rabin, Michael O. ; Moschovakis, Yiannis N. ; Yates C. E. M. ; Jensen, R. B. ; Solovay, R. M. ; Gaifman, Haim ; Jensen, Ronald ; Levy, Azriel, Mathematical Logic and Foundations of Set Theory (1970)
Rabin, M. O. ; Scott, D., Finite Automata and Their Decision Problems (1959)
Radin, Lon Berk, Adding Closed Cofinal Sequences to Large Cardinals (1980)
Rado, T., Comments on the Presence Function of Gazalé (1962)
Rado, T., On Non-Computable Functions (1962)
Rose, Alan, Sur les définitions de l'implication et de la négation dans certains systèmes de logique dont les valeurs forment des treillis (1958)
Rose, Alan, Un multiplicateur ultrarapide (1959)
Rose, Alan, A Note on the Use of Logical Computers to Determine the Most Efficient Method of Using Factory Machines (1960)
Rose, Alan, Nouvelle formalisation du calcul propositionnel bivalent dont les foncteurs primitifs forment un ensemble qui constitue son propre dual (1960)
Rose, Alan, Sur les schémas d'axiomes pour les calculs propositionnels à m valeurs ayant des valeurs surdésignées (1960)
Rose, Alan, Sur un ensemble indépendant de foncteurs primitifs pour le calcul propositionnel, lequel constitute son propre dual (1960)
Rose, Alan, Sur certains calculs propositionnels à m valeurs ayant un seul foncteur primitif lequel constitue son propre dual (1961)
Rose, Alan, Sur certains calcus propositionnels à m valeurs ayant deux foncteurs primitifs dont chacun est le dual de l'autre (1961)
Rose, Alan, Remarque sur la machine universelle de Turing (1962)
Rose, Alan, Sur les applications de la logique polyvalente à la construction des machines Turing (1962)
Robinson, Abraham, Formalism 64 (1964)
Robinson, Abraham, Topics in Non-Archimedean Mathematics (1965)
Robinson, Abraham, Proving a Theorem (As Done by Man, Logician, or Machine)
Robinson, Julia, On the Decision Problem for Algebraic Rings (1962)
Robinson, Julia, Axioms for Number Theoretic Functions (1973)
Robinson, Julia, Solving Diophantine Equations (1973)
Robinson, Julia, The Collected Works of Julia Robinson (1996)
Robinson, Raphael M., Undecidability and Nonperiodicity for Tilings of the Plane (1971)
Robinson, Richard E., A Set-Theoretical Approach to Empirical Meaningfulness of Measurment Statements (1962)
Rodding, D., Höhere Prädikatenlogik: Interpolationstheorem, Reduktionstypen (1968)
Rado, T., On Non-Computable Functions (1962)
Rado, T. ; House, R. W., Implementation of Logic (1962)
Rahman, A., Current Literature on Science of Science (1978)
Rahman, A. ; Sundaram, K. ; Rajagopal, N. R. ; Raman, A. V. ; Bose, P. R. ; Solanki, S. S., R & D Planning in the Framework of National Plans (1978)
Rakić, Nataša, Absolute Time, Special Relativity and $ML^v$ (1994)
Rambaud, Christiane, Théorie sur Graphe Orienté (1977)
Ramsey, Frank P. ; Finetti, Bruno de ; Koopman, Bernard O. ; Good, I. J. ; Savage, L. J. ; Jeffrey, Richard C., Studies in Subjective Probability (1980)
Ramsperger, A. G., Logic and the Laws of Nature (1937)
Ramsperger, A. G., What is Scientific Knowledge? (1939)
Ramsperger, A. G., Objects Perceived and Objects Known (1940)
Roberts, J. B., The Real Number System in an Algebraic Setting (1962)
Robinson, A., Les Rapports Entre le Calcul Déductif et l'Interprétation Sémantiqe d'Un Système Axiomatique (1950)
Robinson, A., L'Application de la Logique Formelle aux Mathématiques (1952)
Robinson, A., On the Concept of a Differentially Closed Field (1957)
Robinson, A., Model Theory and Non-Standard Arithmetic (1959)
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